It is crucial to buy insurance for any vehicle you own. Be it a two-wheeler, car, or even a truck, insurance is a must. The foremost reason for buying insurance for your vehicle is that it provides all kinds of protection in case of any damage or mishap. Nowadays, insurance policies have become so advanced that they offer 100% coverage from third parties as well. Bikes are usually involved in most accidents. Therefore, insurance for bike becomes necessary. Otherwise, you will not be able to get any kind of returns or compensation.

Buying an insurance policy is not tough these days. There are various modes through which you can buy an insurance policy. It can be through your smartphone, applications, or even a website. In addition to it, there are not one but multiple varieties of bike insurance covering different aspects and possibilities. Below are some reasons why you should prefer taking insurance for your bikes from one of the biggest platforms like Acko.
- Paperless Experience at all Time
Usually, when you think of buying insurance your perception might be filling out forms and doing a lot of paperwork. But with some of the biggest platforms, you get a paperless experience. It means you can buy insurance through your mobile phone just by clicking submit.
- Claim Settlement is Instant
Once you take insurance, all your claims will be settled in an instant. You will get a login id and password after taking an insurance policy. In case of damage to your bike, you just have to log in and input some answers. If whatever you say is true, the claims will be settled immediately.
- The Plans Start with a Very Low Cost
The insurance plans for bikes start at a very low cost. You cannot even imagine the lowest price. The biggest reason is that big platforms do not engage in middleman commissions and other kinds of hidden charges. So, the amount you pay is free of extra charges. Hence, it is low and affordable.
- The Third-Party Danger is Covered
Most insurance policies do not offer third-party danger coverage. It makes the whole point of taking insurance null. But with the biggest insurance platforms, you can be assured that all kinds of third-party events will be covered.
- Other Features
There are lots of other features that bike insurance provides like free repair facilities in the connected service shops and others.
The overall process to get bike insurance is simple, right? There are certain documents you need to have to get instant insurance for your bike. It includes the model type, invoice (to confirm the year of purchase and other details), location of your bike, and any previous insurance policies if taken. So, the next time you take your bike out, you can feel secure that if something happens, you will be compensated. Also, by choosing the biggest bike insurance platform, you know your premiums will not be wasted at all.