Plagiarism in Greek means “theft”, which of course only partially reveals the essence of the phenomenon. At first glance, plagiarism doesn’t seem like such a big problem until it starts touching us directly. The problem has for a long time been shyly ignored or considered not so serious.

Is it a real problem?
Most leading institutions of higher learning are more critical of their level of prestige and see one of their most important tasks as combating plagiarism. What is more, it’s possible to less stress using special writing services, which perfectly cope with your “please write my papers for me as soon as possible”. WritingAPaper service is time-proven and has already plenty of happy customers. Of course, everyone can verify it individually by reading on the essay writing service Reddit and even get some hacks to decrease the price. By the way, plagiarism is not only detrimental to academia, although even though it primarily affects science and education.
It also hurts the economic situation which is not immediately evident. Copying off tests, self-plagiarism, “replicas” of scientific papers, and the results of research – all of this, one way or another, reduces the quality of education and professional training of specialists in any industry.
We end up with “uneducated” professionals who are not able to perform the tasks assigned to them by their own.
We end up with ‘uneducated’ specialists who are unable to carry out the tasks that are laid down in their job descriptions, we end up with pseudo-scientists, who compile their research papers from other authors’ excerpts, falsify research results, etc.
Such actions are unacceptable and must be stopped. Of course, there must be a legal basis for this. There should be a legal basis for this.
Every university should have a code of honor, the younger generation should be taught academic virtue from school. So plagiarism testing should be an integral part of any homework.
The level of their consciousness should be so high that they check their work for plagiarism to avoid unintended plagiarism. To achieve this, the software for checking papers for plagiarism should be constantly improved and become available to the end user.
Moreover, you can check the originality of a text using a web browser, online services, or special anti-plagiarism software.
How to check an academic text for plagiarism?
One of the most topical issues for academics is checking academic texts for plagiarism. Online services and programs that allow conducting such a check will be useful for scientists, students, and others who have to work with academic texts. After all, even if an author writes his work, there can be a situation where there is a part of it that overlaps with an article, conference abstract, or other work that has already been published. In such a case it is better to rewrite this part of the text.
You can check the originality of the text by using a web browser, online services, or special anti-plagiarism software.
Checking with a web browser is effective and convenient when you want to determine the originality of a small part of the text (for example, a paragraph or a sentence), to find out where this part of the text was borrowed.
However, in the case of the need to check the originality of a large volume of work, it is better to use special online platforms or programs. They can be either paid or free and allow you to check documents in different formats: DOC, ODT, TXT, or PDF.
This article offers the most convenient and free anti-plagiarism services and programs that will be useful for checking any language texts.
Plagiarism detection with your web browser
The easiest way to check text originality is by using your web browser. To do this, simply highlight part of the text in inverted commas, copy it, and type it in the input line. The web browser will then offer several links that allow you to search for such text. If the text is original, the browser will display a message stating that no document or result was found. For Google Chrome users it is possible to check from where the photo used in the text was taken. To do this, highlight the relevant image, right-click and select “Search image in Google”.
Online services and applications that can be used to detect plagiarism
Advego Plagiatus. The service is located on the website of the content exchange With it, you can check the text uniqueness online (up to 95 thousand characters) or download free Advego Plagiatus. This system is useful to check texts with large volumes.
Content-watch. The free version of the service allows you to check texts up to 10,000 characters three times a day. You can learn how to use it from the video.
Edu-Birde. A free online platform to check texts for plagiarism. To check the text, you need to copy and paste it into the appropriate window, click “check” and wait for the report. You can also download the whole document.
Ext Antiplagiat. Content exchange Etxt offers services allowing you to check texts for uniqueness online or with the help of Etxt Antiplagiat, which can be downloaded and installed on your computer for free.
The text checker can be either free or paid. Without registering on the site you can check the text up to 3,000 characters for free, and after registration – up to 5,000. This type of check is useful for people who work with texts infrequently and need to check a small amount of text.
If you wish to check a longer text, a free download of the software is required.
SmallSeoTools. The platform allows you to check texts and find matches in Google and Yahoo! It is free, has an online version, or can be downloaded and installed on your computer.
Plagiarisma. It’s an easy-to-use online service that allows you to check academic texts for plagiarism for free. The check can be conducted by year and type of search sources (abstracts, author’s abstracts, foreign conferences, foreign journals, etc.).
UNCHECK (previous name UNPLUG). The service allows texts to be checked for plagiarism online or, thanks to the software, integrated into the electronic platforms of educational institutions (e.g. Moodle, Google Classroom, etc.). It can be used to check texts online for free from 30 to 200 words. This one is really good, however, if you know about the best college essay writing service, pro paper writers provide a guarantee of the uniqueness of all the papers.
How does it work?
Services to check texts for uniqueness work, mostly by the same algorithm. The document is translated into the text editor in .txt format and checked. Checking and searching for matches performed by shingles (the method of shingle – text breakdown method). A shingle is a structural and logical text fragment. It consists of a sequence of several words. Shingles are searched on the Internet is done by several search engines. The result visualization of the percentage of originality of the text and a list of sites with the percentage of matching text in the respective color according to the search engine used search engines. When choosing programs, pay attention to their ability to fully support English language, usability, and accessibility.