With the global pandemic of the Coronavirus that is present nowadays, the use of the Internet is probably the safest option people have at the moment. As the number of new cases, deaths and vaccinations vary from country to country, it represents some kind of solace. We can all feel comfortable in the warmth of our homes and still be able to fulfill work duties. It is a big luxury, isn’t it? Of course, among all the other areas, education is the one that has been affected badly by this situation. Even if students and educators manage to get back normally to educational institutions and continue their common behavior, something that can be very useful to both of them is the Internet itself.
Now, teachers are able to use mobile applications, which allow them to teach lessons more easily and creatively. There are plenty of “for” and “against” for their utilization among the experts. As with everything in life. But our focus will be on providing you with some that can truly be significant for everyone in schools and colleges.
1. Instabridge
As the Internet is being used daily for huge amounts of time, the use of a WiFi connection usually goes alongside it. Today, it can be said that people are somehow dependent on it. The look on someones’ head after realizing there are no WiFi connections available nearby is well-familiar to all of us. Or at least, to the majority. Instabridge is an application created to solve our misery. How? Well, it is designed in a way to show you every accessible WiFi in the area around you. This app made by a Swedish company allows people to connect freely without thinking about the password. It can be especially useful if you find yourself in unknown territory.
For example, as many people like to travel, they might find themselves in need of possessing WiFi while they are on holiday. Just imagine that you go to someplace for the first time and you can’t find any connection available? Pretty frustrating, right? That’s what Instabridge will solve with a single click. It is free and unlimited.
Also, this app can be used both on IOS and Android systems. So, if you have an iPhone, don’t worry; you will be able to install it. Teachers with this app can allow students to connect on a stable WiFi connection and increase creativity in the classroom by expanding their knowledge with a little help from the Internet.
2. NearPod
It is well-known how students are linked with writing. They often need essays or other types of written texts for college assignments or school projects. And when they find themselves in unharvested grapes, they will simply use some legitimate paper writing services online and solve the problem. Luckily, NearPod can be far more effective with this. Students don’t need to scroll across Internet websites in search of useful data. In the classroom, teachers can share multiple lessons through this application and allow students to upload them to their mobile phones. This way, they will not have to use Google and search for lessons’ details. Additionally, this app is free and offers a lot of different layouts, which will boost creativity amongst the students and make them think with more focus.
3. ChatBots
As the utilization of AI and its implementation in schools and colleges increases slowly, teachers may have questions about whether they can use some of the AI-based apps in the classroom. This technology represents a true revolution and something people strive for at the moment. Hence, teachers would be grateful if such apps exist. And yes, they do. Do you wonder what your teacher will do if he suddenly loses his voice? Of course, not permanently. But he may get harsh from a lot of talking. It is a natural consequence of it. In this case, the use of ChatBots would be perfect to compensate for the lack of teachers’ voices.
It is software that can simulate conversations with students through text messages. So, if they have some questions for the professor, this app will help them to get answers even if their educator is prevented from speaking temporarily. Although they are mostly used on PCs, mobile versions are available and free to try.
4. Dragon Anywhere
Something inevitable for language subjects in schools is dictations. They measure students’ skills related to writing and understanding the grammar of a specific language. Dragon Anywhere is a mobile app that serves for editing and dictating documents via voice. The practice in the past was for students to write while the teacher dictates the text. Now, they can simply talk, and the app will do all the rest. Its accuracy is tested positive and is safe to use. Also, there is no time limit, so the text can be as long as the teacher considers necessary. Teachers can additionally select a word or phrase that needs editing or erasing and quickly apply it. Dictation has never been easier, right?
Through the expansion of mobile apps that help our teachers to do their job online, working on the Internet has been attracting more than ever. Today, people realize how efficient it can be and what results can be expected. We are progressing well in terms of technology and if it continues this way, who knows what kind of apps are yet to come. We can just smile at their arrival.