This guide contains the best skilling money making methods for Runescape 3. The easiest and quickest way to get RS3 Gold is by buying it at an online store, but if you want to farm yourself, here are your opportunities:
Gnome Restaurant
This minigame is almost as old as the game itself and that is why it’s the best processing money making method out there. Most people don’t do this minigame thus making the rewards really expensive. Gnome restaurant can be annoying to learn but once you learn it, it will be really easy. Here are the requirements:
- 42 Cooking
- 66 Magic
- Monkey greegree
- Desert amulet 2 or above
- Teleportation methods
There are a lot of npcs that you will be visiting during this minigame here is the list of npcs:
- Ambassador Ferrnook – Varrock palace
- Ambassadır Gimblewap – East Ardougne
- Ambassador Spanfipple – Falador castle
- Brambickle – Trollweiss Mountain
- Captain Bleemadge – White wolf Mountain
- Captain Daerkin – East of the palace in Al Kharid
- Captain Dalbur – Al Khraid gnome pilot
- Captain Kelmfoodle – Karamja gnome pilot
- Captain Ninto – Dwarven bar beneath White Wolf Mountain
- Garkor – Ape Atoll near Awowogei
- G.L.O Caranock – Shipyard in Karamja
- Gnormadium Avlafrim – Feldip Hills gnome pilot
- Hazelmere – East of Yanille, in a hut
- King Bolren – Tree Gnome Village
- Lieutenant Schepbur – Battlefield of Khazard, outside the Tree Gnome Village
- Penwie – West of the gnome glider on Karamja
- Professor Imblewyn – Magic Guild, ground floor
- Professor Manglethorp – Keldagrim hall
- Professor Onglewip – Wizards’ Tower
- Wingstone – Between Agility pyramid and Nardah
GP/H: 27.4M
Opening Muddy Chests
This method is really simple and requires little to no attention. To do this method effectively you will need the following:
- 96 or 99 Summoning
- Decent combat level
- At least level 43 prayer
- High Agility
- Decent combat armour
- Best luck ring you have
- Pack yak or Mammoth pouch
- Muddy keys
Simply buy a lot of muddy keys and head to the lava maze. There is a bank near the entrance of the King Black Dragon. Use that bank to fill your inventory and beast of burden with muddy keys. Run through the lava maze and use all your keys on the muddy chest.
GP/H: 13.8M
Making Raw Wild Pies
Raw wild pies can be a great way to make some money. Before buying a lot of supplies and investing in this method, please do check the grand exchange prices and make sure this method is profitable.You will need the following for this method:
- 85 Cooking
- Pie shell
- Raw bear meat
- Raw rabbit
- Raw chompy
Buy an equal number of the ingredients. Withdraw 14 pie shells and 14 raw bear meat, and use them together. Once you made them bank and repeat. After using all your ingredients, now use raw chompies on the part wild pies in the same fashion.
GP/H: 11.4M
Crafting Wooden Cats
Crafting wooden cats is a fairly simple method that doesn’t have that many requirements. Here is everything you need to get started:
- 16 Crafting
- Completion of the quest The Great Brain Robbery
- Crafting table 4 in your player-owned house
- Planks
- Bear Furs
Do keep in mind that wooden cats may sell slowly on grand exchange. The main reason why they are traded is the quest “The Great Brain Robbery” as players need 10 of them during the quest.
GP/H: 7.4M
Cutting Granite
This method has no requirements aside from a chisel so it’s perfect for new accounts. For this method you will be chiselling granite to get 500g pieces. Buy 2kg granites from the grand exchange and chisel them down to 500g versions for profit.
GP/H: 6.1M
Crafting Decorated Hunter Urns
Before starting this method check the prices of decorated urns to determine the most profitable one. For this method you will need the following:
- 79 Crafting
- 82 Magic
- Steam battlestaff
- Lunar diplomacy
- Prifddinas unlocked
- Soft clay
- Astral rune
- Earth rune
After buying your supplies you can start crafting your decorated urns in the Ithell district of Prifddinas. After creating all the urns you can start firing them by using the “Fire urn” spell from the lunar spellbook.
GP/H: 5M
Enjoy your freshly earned RSGP!